What is quality standing mat? and why?
Standing mats should be in accordance with Ergonomics. It means standing mat provide constant foot, back, and leg pain relief, reduction of spinal compression, and improvement in sit-reach flexibility all day, without loss of buoyancy . Here are the features we found most important in a quality mat, and reason: 1,Wear and Tear Resistant Good standing mats will not only hold up against chairs, dress shoes, and high heels but will also resist delamination, tearing, staining, microbial contamination, chemicals, and heat (noted: up to 400°F is a good reference standard). 2, Sealed Bottom A wide range of standing mats, even some that start at $100, are sold with foam bottoms that will disintegrate fairly quickly and cause the entire mat to lose integrity, no matter the quality of the top side. 3, Non-Slip Surface This should be a given, but not every mat manufacturer believes in this minimum requirement. 4, Travel Control “Travel” refers to a mat’s tendency to sl...